Tuesday, March 3, 2009

American Kids: WE'RE NOT THAT DUMB!

To the editor: Students in America are not “dumb as dirt”, we simply need to provided with an adequate education. The current adolescent generation may not know how to farm an acre or even use a ruler, but we sure can operate technology. Hand any high school student a laptop or a Blackberry and they will have all of the functions mastered in a half hour. The problem is not that we’re stupid, the problem is that we are not being educated to our full potential. Some teachers are great, however some seem to be losing interest in their job. Students are not being taught to the full extent they were ‘back in the day’. After a course, there is a final exam containing some information that was never taught in the classroom and then students are held accountable for not knowing it. It is even assumed in most honors classes that the student can teach themselves, but if that was true what would be the need for a teacher?

Tavia Rzasa and Jessica Williams, Nashua

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